Dynamometer Testing

Revitalise your engine with our dynamometer testing services

Conducted within our facility, this rigorous testing process guarantees that your engine meets the highest standards for power, efficiency, and durability.

Foxwood Diesel

The Benefits of Our Dynamometer Testing Services

  • Precision Testing: We accurately measure and verify engine performance metrics such as power output, torque, and fuel efficiency, ensuring each engine meets stringent quality standards.
  • Quality Assurance: The dynamometer allows us to thoroughly test each remanufactured engine under simulated real-world conditions, guaranteeing reliability and longevity.
  • Diagnostic Capabilities: We can diagnose and address potential issues before engines are installed, minimising post-installation problems and customer downtime.
  • Customer Confidence: By providing documented proof of performance, customers gain assurance in the quality and reliability of our remanufactured engines.
About us
Foxwood Diesel
Texa Diagnostics

Leading the way with advanced Texa Diagnostics technology

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